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Stay Focused
Stay Focused provides amazing, ground-breaking photography capabilities that allow photographers to express themselves in ways never before possible.
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C-it Visualizer
Take the guesswork out of decorative hardware accessorizing with the C-it visualizer from Liberty Hardware. With product visualizations for the kitchen, bath, entry way, bedroom, or any room that needs a touch of style, the C-it Visualizer brings product sampling right into your home! The visualizer is as easy to use as the camera on your phone. Just choose an item you like, snap a photo, and then try it in your room.
Gibs N' Glory
Use cunning, strategy, and raw power to toss your zombie minions at the invading British Royal Expeditionary again and keep from dying....again. A variety of zombie types allow you to reign down gibs with fire, creepy crawlers, and more!
Bacardi Gras
Bacardi Gras "Find The Jesters" is a cross platform (iOS and Android), real-world game in conjunction with Mardi Gras to make the event more fun than ever. Users can find Jesters hidden in different locations while out on the town to gain rank on the leader board and win prizes.
Trenches II
Catapult's most significant effort to date. Trenches II has been over two years in the making. Published by EA, it's one of the most ambitious war games in the App Store.
One of the first, highest rated and widely used group messaging apps for the iPhone, Groupie boasts over 60k users and 25k unique groups. Conceived in 2008 and launched in 2009, it has reached the top of multiple App Store charts.
With Trenches, Thunder Game Works got a taste of success. This gave them an insatiable hunger. Not just for another success, but for BRAAAIIINNS!
The Overstock.com iOS app is the easiest way to search, browse, select, and purchase items that are on O.co. We helped make it even better by optimizing performance and adding awesome features!
The Alaska App
With the goal of being the be-all and end-all guide to everything Alaska, The Alaska Channel came to Catapult for the solution.
Rural Alaska Community Action Program is a non-profit organization whose main task is providing services to low income Alaskans. Not an easy task. To help others understand the enormous challenge they face everyday, they turned to us.